Monday, March 4, 2013

Government Meeting #2 - Faculty Senate

The faculty senate voted to move the tobacco ban on campus forward for the board of governors to make a final decision at their meeting on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013.  The ban passed almost unanimously with only three faculty senate members opposed to its passing.  The tobacco ban passed more overwhelmingly with the faculty senate than it did with the student senate last semester. 
The board of governors chair reported the main issue of discussion during the board of governors meeting on Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 was budget cuts. One senator raised the question of if the budget cuts are not as significant will the merging of several colleges on campus still occur. The chair reported that he has not heard the idea of them being merged hinging solely on the significant budget cuts being passed down.
Faculty senate members were able to voice concerns or support for topics being discussed at the meeting.
After about 35 minutes the faculty senate broke into executive order to vote on the commencement speaker.
The next faculty senate meeting will be hosted on March 14, 2013. The topics for the next meeting were outlined during the Feb. 28 meeting.
President Kopp was not present for the Feb. 28 faculty senate meeting and as a result, a chair on the board of governors gave the report of their previous meeting.