Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Assignment #9 - 2013 State of the Union Address

President Barack Obama delivered his fourth State of the Union address Monday night and shared his plan for the future of the United States of America. In my previous column I shared my predictions of what his likely key points would be. While I was able to correctly predict some, other topics he discussed caught me completely off guard.
             My previous predictions of key talking points were immigration, the economy and gun control. While all of these were discussed at some point throughout the 59 minute and 58 second address, there were several surprises to me.
One topic that I was unable to predict was cyber security. I was caught off guard when this topic came up and was discussed in such great length. “We cannot look back years from now and wonder why we did nothing in the face of real threats to our security and our economy,” Obama said. “That’s why, earlier today, I signed a new executive order that will strengthen our cyber defenses by increasing information sharing, and developing standards to protect our national security, our jobs and our privacy.” While the topic is important I was shocked that it was discussed before gun violence.
After the multiple shootings that occurred recently and public, as well as politicians, calling for increased regulation, I was surprised this subject was discussed so close to the end of the speech. Obama emphasized the topic of gun violence to be brought to a vote. “Hadiya’s parents, Nate and Cleo, are in this chamber tonight, along with more than two dozen Americans whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence.  They deserve a vote,” Obama said. “Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of Newtown deserve a vote. The families of Aurora deserve a vote. The families of Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Blacksburg, and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence - they deserve a simple vote.” I thought this was a strong point of the address. Obama’s listing of several mass shootings that are still in American’s memories. With the list I thought that Obama really helped drive home the point that something needs to be done in order to prevent even more senseless mass shootings.
The war in Afghanistan also was a key point in the address. Obama said another 34,000 American troops would be coming home from Afghanistan. “And by the end of next year, our war in Afghanistan will be over,” Obama said. Obama’s bold statement led to a standing ovation by many. Obama also emphasized equal treatment for all service members as well as equal benefits for the families regardless of if they are gay or straight. Another point also discussed was women serving in combat. As well as investing in veteran’s benefits, education, job opportunities, families and healthcare.
Obama also announced an overhaul of the American school system. A redesign of America’s high schools was announced in order to better equip graduates for the demands of a high-tech economy. Also, Obama discussed the affordability of college and said colleges must do their part to keep costs down.
I think I did an okay job of predicting what the president would discuss. All three topics that I predicted were discussed throughout the address. My predictions were 100 percent discussed. There were other topics that I was unable to predict though for example, cyber security as well as the war in Afghanistan and the state of the military.
            The article by NBC News said gun policy and healthcare were top concerns for voters as well as the economy and federal deficit. In my opinion, Obama somewhat discussed what America wanted to hear. Obama definitely spent time on gun policy and the economy. However when it came to healthcare, not a lot of time was spent discussing it compared to the other two topics.
            In my opinion the 2013 State of the Union address touched on a variety of topics and was very well delivered.

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